The honestmonday platform promotes innovative ideas and improves them based on current technologies and advanced methods. Confidence in the information is strengthened, sustainable partnerships (matchmaking) can be established
We help startups and SMEs to successfully develop and scale their business ideas with the help of AI technology. Our business plan platform offers a reliable partner network for entrepreneurs and investors. With our matchmaking engine, we enable an effective and efficient exchange between both sides. Our goal is to make the startup ecosystem more transparent, democratize, empower and drive innovation.
Problem & Solution
Only 20% of all start-ups still exist after three years. Building a start-up is very challenging. The difficult access to money mainly for normal start-ups or SMEs is one reason.
We connect entrepreneurs with knowledge and investors with an effective and intelligent matchmaking platform. We develop companies with an intelligent (KIM) business plan platform.
Founders & Founders
Fabienne Messerli; Fabrice Moser; Jürg Steudler; Alexander Strauss
John Doe (Elements set via JS)
Financing requirements equity capital;Financing requirements debt capital;
The company is looking for
Fintec, banking and insurance
Espace midland
Seed Round
To learn more about this startup, the company must accept their contact request.
Investors can only send and receive requests with an "Investor Portal Business" membership.
Investors can only send and receive requests with an "Investor Portal Business" membership.
Here, the external services used on this website can be viewed and individually approved / rejected.